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Sergey Teterin, Perm (Russia)
Movie Mincer Show
2004, Perm (Russia)
It is low-tech and multimedia performance where an old soviet mincer is used as a laptop-connected device to manually generated video streams (mincer > laptop > beamer > screen). Movie mincer allows to show motion pictures by turning the mincer's handle reviving and parodying the atmosphere of the first performances from the very dawn of cinema era. Each movie represents a set of JPEG pictures projected in series which corresponds literally to the "moving pictures" definition. No special video-software is required. Available mincemovies: "The man with the movie camera" by Dziga Vertov, 1929 (short version, -12 min), "Un Chien Andalou" by Louis Bunuel, 1928 (~ 15 min.). All mincemovies are demonstrated in silent mode, soundtrack is an extra feature which is generated separately (DJ assistance is recommended).
Sergey Teterin
born 1969 in Perm, Russia.
2004 - media art manager at Municipal Center of the Art Exhibitions in Perm, Russia. 2003-04 - director of the "Machinista" international arts and technology festival. 2002-03 - art manager at "Avtorsky Dom" art organization in Perm, Russia. Ño-organizer of "ReadMe 1.2" (director) and "Machinista 2003/2004" (director and curator) media art festivals in Russia and Scotland; participant of media art exhibitions and festivals in Russia, Germany, Austria, Yugoslavia and Latvia.
Selected media-projects:
"Movie Mincer project", 2004
"Cyber-Pushkin 1.0 beta", 2002
"Three souls of the Permian Man or 1949 chars to Anya's pager", 2000
"The 21st century things long wished for", 1999-2002
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