(June 23-27, 2001)
 in the frame of XXIII Moscow International Film Festival Rambler's Top100

F e s t i v a l & C o n f e r e n c e



Media Forum Video Programs

European Media Art Festival «EMAF», Osnabrueck, Germany 
Program curator: Hermann Noering
The European Media Art Festival in Osnabrück is one of the largest multimedia events in Europe. The festival's exhibitions, retrospectives, artists' portraits, performances, seminars and the Electronic Café, all enable the audience to gain an extensive overview into the international world of media art.

This programme encompasses the festival's highlights and works that show the way forward.

The video programme starts with Kill the DJ by Karim Patwa, a coffee making manual in the style of an espresso clip. In Interview mit Paul de Bruin-Koplopers by Christian Frisch we witness a strange encounter and a very common action.

If by Marcus Nascimento and Aggeo Simoes is the attempt to visualise several
different senses of perception in the form of Haikus.

The concept of Monique Moumblow´s video Sleeping Car is a formal, but very poetic treatise on the image-sound relationship.

Isabelle Martin uses I Go On Dancing Before You as a kind of video diary to come
to terms with the end of a love affair.

In Ondrej Andera´s experimental feature film study Night Between Us a relationship has a deadly end.

1891 Voltios, Carino by Alejandro Alvarado and Pedro Sanchez de la Nieta Barros is a sinister protrayal of a man's emotions and feelings on death row.

Dave Priestman's experimental study Rott&Damn begins with a night drive across Rotterdam and the Erasmus Bridge.

For Elsewhere Egbert Mittelstädt adapted the principle of a fotofinish camera by simulating the effect with a digital video camera.

Routemaster by Ilppo Pojohla marks the end of the programme with a kind of rhythmic transcendent montage of sequences from a car race and the use of human bodies as crash test dummies.

1. Karim Patwa:"Kill the DJ"

2. Christian Frisch:"Interview mit Paul de Bruin /Koplopers"

3. Marcus Nascimento, Aggêo Simões: "If"

4. Monique Moumblow: "Sleeping Car"

5. Isabelle Martin: "I Go on Dancing Before You"

6. Ondrej Andàra:"Night Between Us"

7. Alejandro Alvarado, Pedro Sanchez de la Nieta Barros: "1891 Voltios, Cariño".

8. David Priestman: "Rott&Damn"

9. Egbert Mittelstadt: "Elsewhere"

10. Ilppo Pojohla: "Routemaster"

Hermann Nöring CV
born in 1956. Studied Media Science in Osnabruck and London. Co-Director and Curator of European Media Art Festival since 1988. He produced several TV productions about Media Art and Club Culture

Hermann Nöring
European Media Art Festival
Lohstrasse 45a
49074 Osnabrück

Tel: +49 (0) 541 21658
Fax: +49 (0) 541 28327
Mobil: 0179 5352 802


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