(June 23-27, 2001)
 in the frame of XXIII Moscow International Film Festival Rambler's Top100

F e s t i v a l & C o n f e r e n c e



Guest participants of Media Forum:

Woody & Steina Vasulka, USA - pioneers of media art, founders of media art archive «Vasulkas»

Etienne Sandrin, France - assistant curator of new media collection of le Musée nationale d'art moderne / Centre Georges Pompidou, founder of online Enciclopedia of media art, Paris

Eric Kluitenberg, Netherlands - theorist, writer, and organiser on culture and technology, De Balie - Center for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam
Selected projects:;;

Susanne Jaschko, Germany - curator of media art festival "Transmediale", Berlin

Jan Schuijren, Netherlands - curator of the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/Time Based Arts, Amsterdam

Hermann Noering, Germany - curator of the European Media Art Festival [EMAF], Osnabrueck

Torben Soeborg, Denmark - director of the Danish Video Art Data Bank, Haslev

Axel Wirths, Germany - director of "235media" center

Bobo Lee, Hong Kong - director of «Videotage» center

Masha Godovannaja, USA - researcher and programmes curator at the Anthology Film Archives, New York

Svetlana Ostrova, Russia - curator of New Media Lab of "PRO ARTE" center, St.Petersburg

Arno Coenen, Netherlands - media artist, participant of "MultiVideo" competition, Amsterdam

Roman Kornienko, Russia - theorist, filmmaker, Novokuznetsk.

Dmitri Bulnygin, Russia - director of «Short Film» festival, Novosibirsk.

Igor Davletshin, Russia - director of “Nova Sibirska Kultura” center, Kemerovo.

Galina Myznikova & Sergey Provorov, Russia - media artists, Nizhni Novgorod.

Dmitri Bulatov, Russia - senior fellow at the Kaliningrad branch if the National Center for Contemporary Art

Katherine Liberovskaya, Canada - media artist, theorist,

Kirill Razlogov, Russia - director of the Russian Institute for Cultural Researches, art director of the Moscow International Film Festival, Moscow

Olga Sinitsyna, Russia - chief of the Art Department at the Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow

Olga Alexeeva, Russia - direcot of archive at "PRO ARTE" Center, St.Petersburg

Yuriy Plastinin, Russia - art director of "ArtInfo" agency, Moscow

Lyudmila Saprykina, Russia - director of the Nizniy Novgorod branch if the Netional Center for Contemporary Art

Olga Goryunova, Russia - media theorist, Moscow

Alesei Shulgin, Russia - net artist, professor at the PRO ARTE Center

Andrey Velikanov, Russia - net artist, Moscow

Julia Velikanova, Moscow - artist

Nina Zaretskaya, Russia - director of the Art Media Center "TV Gallery", Moscow

Maria Chuykova, Russia - artist, curator of the Art Media Center "TV Gallery", Moscow

Andrey Smirnov, Russia - director of the Thermin Center of the Moscow State Cunservatoire, Moscow

Marina Perchihina, Russia - artist, director of "Spider&Mouse" gallery, Moscow

Alexei Isaev, Russia - artist, theorist, member of Filmmakers Union of RF, director of MediaArtLab, Moscow

Olga Shishko, Russia - specialist in media arts, member of Filmmakers Union of RF, programmes curator of MediaArtLab, Moscow

Tatiana Gorucheva, Russia - historian of media art, international coordinator of MediaArtLab, Moscow

Kirill Preobrazhenskiy, Moscow - artist

Sergey Shutov, Moscow - artist

Olga Kumeger, Moscow - artist

Natalia Borissova - artist

El' Zelenaya, Moscow - artist, project "Elskoe >>>"

Vadim Epstein, Moscow - artist

Jana Axenova, Moscow - artist

Lev Stepanov, Moscow - artist

Dmitriy Trofimov, Moscow - artist

Angela Ashimbekova, Moscow - artist

Eldar Karhalev, St.Petersburg - artist, PRO ARTE

Olga Stolpovskaya, Moscow - filmmaker

Victor Alimpiev, Moscow - artist

Elena Nekrasova, Moscow - artist

Anton Kubikov, Moscow - DJ

Milos Vojtechovsky, Prague - Program Coordinator, Laboratory for New Media Art

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