(June 23-27, 2001)
 in the frame of XXIII Moscow International Film Festival Rambler's Top100

F e s t i v a l & C o n f e r e n c e



Etienne Sandrin
The New Media Encyclopedia

The New Media Encyclopedia is the first trilingual English-French-German
catalogue of its kind freely available on-line. It is intended as a source
of information, a tool for documentary research, and a scholarly work, but
also a locus of debate on artistic practices related to the new media.
For this first phase of the project, the Centre Georges Pompidou, the Museum
Ludwig, and the Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine have pooled information on
their respective holdings in order to provide the international public with
a reference work bringing together three major European collections.
The site also inventories initiatives taken in the field of new
media--notably exhibitions and other public events, publications, and
productions--by the partners cited above as well as the Constant vzw,
Vereniging voor Kunst en Media, and the Association FranÚaise d'Action
Artistique (AFAA).
This catalogue will be constituted progressively: the first part (published
in November 1998) covers 43 artists and 233 of their works. The second part,
anticipated for late 2000, will include 100 artists and 250 works. The
totality of the artists and works in the collections of the three partners
will be available. It is hoped that other public collections will also join
this proejct and help to enrich it through their collaboration.

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