About Media Forum
Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF) is held since 1959
and gradually it has become one of most respectable and
prestigious film-forums in the world. In 1973 MIFF was
registered by the International Federation of Film-producers
associations (FIAPF) as an «A» class film festival alongside
with those in Berlin, Cannes, San-Sebastian, Karlovy Vary
and Venice.
This is the fifth year Media Forum is organized as part of
the Moscow International Film Festival. The role of new
media in audiovisual art and culture received due
recognition and Media Forum was immediately introduced into
the official program of MIFF.
Media Forum is the first event of such scale in Russia and
it reveals a new vision of the world of new media culture
and new screen technologies to the professionals, critics
and public in general. The objective of Media Forum is to
demonstrate the connection between traditional and modern
branches of screen culture, the impact of technological
innovations on visual arts.
Media Forum as action is an exchange of ideas, infusion of
new forces into contemporary culture and vice versa. It is
an attempt to demonsrtate the logic of new thought and new
communications. At the moment it is inside media culture
that new ideas go through trial and approbation, ideas that
cannot be realized in contemporary art context.
For seven years Media Forum has brought new media art to the
Russian audience. It presented an avant-garde trend in the
works of artists, performers, video artists and
animation-makers experimenting with language, context and
techniques of electronic and digital mass media. This year
the Forum will also screen novelties and classics of both
Russian and world’s video art.
The programme was started in 2000 at an initiative of
Aleksei Isaev, a well-known Russian media artist, curator
and theorist of the new media, who founded and directed the
Moscow MediaArtLab Centre. Because of his untimely death in
March of this year we decided to dedicate this Media Forum
to his memory and realize his last idea – the Author(writ)y
“Contemporary screen culture finds opportunities for the
most rapid, clear and actual reflexion to changes or
alterations in viewer mentality. It defines this experience
as avant-garde and progressive. Newest tendencies of
contemporary culture connected with new technologies make it
possible for us to describe this part of culture as
possessing own content and audience. The audience is
attracted by communicational art model, which allows for the
viewers’ interactive participation in the art work dramatic
composition” (Aleksei Isaev)
AUTHOR(WRIT)Y. Drawing borders.
Media artist is by the way things are preordained to Author(writ)ative
authorship. First, as a creative individual who generates
own significant discourse and own rhetoric. The artist is
automatically put into opposition to totality: confronting
matter, audience, society, authority, time and space.
Authorizing his concept the artist stages a rhetoric fight
with the context. Only the charismatic, autonomous, despotic
rhetoric can break open the emptiness of distrust,
indifference and apathy. To assert one’s authority and
realize the art’s impact the artist flashes his will, power,
self-regard and ambitions. Under this aegis he storms heaven
and breaks away into the deep avant-garde. Only the
ambitious will own the future. (Viktor Miziano).
Second, he grasps the tentacles of authority – the media. He
manipulates its manipulators. Media are in themselves
rhetoric – with no execution of the authorship authority
they break away. When the artist rules them with a firm hand
he doubles the authority and creates art.
The VII Media Forum traditionally consists of the thematic
competition and individually curated programmes. They
present both fresh works and classics of world’s media art.
This wide range of works represents new screen technologies
and helps the audience adequately estimate the possibilities
of media technologies.
International board
Woody Vasulka – electronic art pioneer, founder of the
world’s largest media archives «Vasulkas», USA
Dr. Kirill Razlogov – MIFF art director, Russian Culture
Studies Institute director, Russia
Cathy Ray Hoffman – Cornerhouse Centre for Visual Arts
director, Manchester, UK
Etienn Sandrin - curator of the media art centre of Centre
Georges Pompidou, France
Jan Schuijren - curator, the Netherlands.
Competition programme >>>
Presentation programme >>> |